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The TAUMUN JCC is proud to offer you the most advanced Crisis experience in the world. Control your cabinet, your bloc, your hemisphere, your world. 

In this JCC, in lieu of committees like the World Health Organization and the General Assembly, you will have National Security Councils. An entire room will be dedicated to the United States National Security Council, for example, and responsible for deciding its actions. Delegates will represent positions within that cabinet. So for example in the USNSC, delegates will represent positions such as the Director of the CIA, or the Vice President. Heading each cabinet will be its Head of State which will be tasked with leading the room to a better future.

Advanced Cabinets


Take charge of your office and lead your country into a new golden age. Work with, or against, other countries to secure strategic goals and crush your opposition. 

Triple Canopy


The first JCC to incorporate the dynamics between states and corporations

Specialized Meetings


Influence global strategy through specialized meetings in the UN Security Council, NATO, and more.

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